
  • Daily communication with the Healthcare Managers and relevant Departmental Heads

  • A detailed understanding of the permit to work process.

  • Effective control of dust and noise

  • Detailed programme communicated to all.

  • Effective management and issue of information

  • A sensitive approach to minimise the impact of the works on the patients and staff.

  • A good understanding of the specialist mechanical and electrical systems to be installed.

  • Understanding of the commissioning process

  • A reliable supply chain who understands the restrictions of working in a occupied hospital environment

  • A high quality end product

  • Operate in a safe working environment.

The team at Admeliora Construction Limited have a wealth of specialist experience working within the health sector. We offer service excellence, competitiveness, and sector know-how. We understand that every project is unique and as such we offer a bespoke service for each project. We adopt modern procurement best practice with our supply chain partners collaborating to develop effective healthcare solutions. Our supply chain enables us to provide input into all the key stages of the project process – programming, buildability, costs and delivery. We consider the following factors contribute to the overall success of healthcare projects:

St Thomas’ Hospital: Gassiott House

Chelsea & Westminster Hospital

UCLH: The Heart Hospital

St Mary’s Hospital

Royal Marsden Hospital: Linac

St Thomas’ Hospital: Critical Care

St George’s Hospital: Hunter Wing

St Thomas’ Hospital: Children’s Unit

Hammersmith Hospital

Hammersmith Hospital: CT Suite

Uni. Hospital Lewisham: Ambulatory

Uni. Hospital Lewisham: Pathology

Get in touch.

Admeliora Construction Limited (AMC) is a cutting-edge construction company with a commitment to innovation and collaboration established to provide clients with a professional construction delivery service, to find out more please get in touch.