The Legal Stuff
Admeliora Construction Ltd understands the requirements and responsibilities associated with the successful management of health and safety throughout the Company. The Company also acknowledges the priority for establishing and maintaining health and safety to agreed standards. To meet these responsibilities Admeliora Construction Ltd has developed a Health and Safety Policy and Management System and allocated sufficient resources to achieve the following objectives:
1. Full compliance with the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and all Regulations made under this Act in particular The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations and the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations
2. The provision and maintenance of plant, equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health to its employees and any other relevant persons.
3. Arrangements for ensuring safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use, handling, storage and transport of materials, articles, and substances.
4. The provision of such information, instruction, training, and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety of all employees and any others who may be affected.
5. The maintenance of any place of work under Admeliora Construction Ltd's control in a condition that is safe and without risks to safety and health along with the provision and maintenance of safe access and egress from places of work.
6. The provision of adequate facilities for welfare, first aid, fire prevention, PPE, occupational health, and hygiene.
7. The assessment and the provision of human and material resources that will enable the sustained management of risk and the provision of high quality health, safety, and environmental management.
8. A fully integrated safety management system that assesses risks and hazards then implements control measures that are routinely inspected and monitored with any identified corrective actions carried out within a given time period.
9. Identify safety tasks, functions and responsibilities and then clearly allocate these to staff that have been suitably trained to carry out the identified safety tasks.
10. The establishment of a comprehensive health & safety audit system that will analyse the Company's safety performance at least once every year & then set targets for improvement or change.
11. The appointment of competent safety advisors that will support the company in its provision of safety requirements and advise on matters to enable the review and continuous improvement of safety performance.Admeliora Construction Ltd Safety Management System in addition to providing the means for complying with legal requirements also has a contribution to make in the general management of risk and improving business performance.
Admeliora Construction has applied for ISO 14001 accreditation. Our Environmental Management System (EMS) details 4 of the key areas that we manage:
• Energy Efficiency
• Procurement
• Waste Management
• Internal Company ProceduresEnergy Efficiency
We have instigated a series of energy saving measures in our offices – using light sensors, better heating, and cooling systems, a light off policy and ensuring that our equipment is turned off out of hours.
We work with the design team to encourage the use of energy efficient technologies e.g.
• Daylight sensors for lighting
• Movement sensors and timers for lighting in areas where daylight is received.
• Occupant controlled heating and lighting.
• Energy rating policy for all office equipment
• Low energy dishwashers to promote crockery use and reduce the use of disposable cups.ME Construction utilises on-site energy saving practices and where applicable recommend energy saving measures for the buildings, we work in.
During the Works
We ensure all lighting and equipment is turned off at the end of each day. We provide sub-meters during the works to monitor energy use. This can be used by the Client and Admeliora Construction to benchmark energy reduction for future projects. It also provides the Client with data on the carbon emissions from the works.
Admeliora Construction’s policy is to reduce, re-use, recycle and buy recycled. To do this we work with our supply chain in several ways:
• Procurement of timber from certified sustainable sources (in consultation with the Client)
• Purchase recycled materials.
• Installation of other sustainable materials (in consultation with the Client) e.g. recycled carpet tiles / ceiling tiles
• Inclusion of environmental considerations in tender interviews to probe for further sustainable procurement options.
• Questionnaire to encourage suppliers to innovate and generate ideas for more sustainable materials that can be used.Waste Management
Admeliora Construction is experienced in and committed to managing waste during building works in a manner that ensures legal compliance and follows the principals of the Waste Management Hierarchy.
Waste Management Targets – to minimise the impacts of waste generated during this project Admeliora Construction will set the following targets:
• Recycle a minimum of 50% of the total waste generated across all sites in London.
• Ensure that all waste including hazardous waste is managed in accordance with legislative requirements.Waste Management System – these targets will be achieved through the implementation of a comprehensive Waste Management Plan. The plan will set out waste and recycling targets, a waste segregation system, confirm waste collection methods and outline roles and responsibilities for waste management.
Roles and Responsibilities
While it is the responsibility of all site labour to manage waste, Admeliora Construction will assign key responsibilities to staff to ensure that the waste management system operates effectively and efficiently. The responsibilities will involve regular monitoring of the segregation system, providing feedback to site labour on their performance, supervising waste collections and ensuring that the correct documentation is provided by the waste contractor and maintained on site.
1.0 Scope
The Company is committed to building an organisation that makes full use of the talents, skills, experience, and different cultural perspectives available in a multi-ethnic and diverse society, and where people feel they are respected and valued, and can achieve their potential regardless of sex, race, colour, nationality, national or ethnic origins, sexual orientation, marital status, civil partnership status, trans-gender, disability or age.
The Company upholds the Code of Practice and the recommendations of the Commission of Racial Equality, Equal Opportunities Commission, and the Disability Rights Commission. We seek to ensure that the organisation abides by the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Race Relations Act 1976, the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, the Employment Equality (Region or Belief) Regulations 2003, the Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 and the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006.
The aims of this policy are to ensure that:
• All job applicants, employees and former employees are treated fairly and equally, regardless of their sex, trans-gender status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, marital status, civil partnership status, age, race, colour, nationality, national or ethnic origin, disability, or age. That no-one receives less favourable treatment or is disadvantaged by any conditions, requirements, provisions, criteria, procedures, or practices that cannot be justified on any other grounds or victimised for taking action against any form of discrimination or harassment, or instructed or put under pressure to discriminate against, or harass, someone on the above grounds.
• The organisation is free of unwanted conduct that violates the dignity of workers or creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading, offensive, or humiliating environment.
• Opportunities for employment, training and promotion are equally open to all.
• Recruitment and selection, promotion, transfer, training, conditions of work, pay and benefits, facilities and services, and every other aspect of employment, including general treatment at work and the processes involved in the termination of employment, will be fair and equitable, and based solely on merit. This policy applies to all aspects of employment, from recruitment to dismissal and former workers' rights.
2.0 Responsibility
The Directors of the Company will be responsible for the day to day operation of the policy.
3.0 Procedure
3.1 The policy applies to job applicants (both internal and external) and all employees whether full time, part time, casual, temporary, seasonal or contract. The policy also applies equally to the treatment of the organisation's customer/clients and suppliers.
3.2 The Company will endeavour to communicate the policy to its workers and job applicants. The policy will also be included in the Company Staff Handbook.
3.3 Where possible the Company will endeavour to consult workers and their representatives about the policy, and as necessary about related action plans and strategies.
3.4 The Company will seek to make all workers aware of the policy, on their rights and responsibilities under the policy, and on how the policy will affect the way they carry out their duties.
3.5 The Company will seek to advise Managers and workers in key decision-making areas on the discriminatory effects that provisions, practices, requirements, conditions, and criteria can have on some groups, and the importance of being able to justify decisions to apply them.
3.6 Complaints about discrimination or harassment in the course of employment will be regarded seriously, and may result in disciplinary action, which may lead to dismissal.
3.7 Where appropriate opportunities for employment, promotion, transfer, and training will be advertised, and all applicants will be welcomed, irrespective of sex, trans-gender status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, marital status, civil partnership status, age, race, colour, nationality, national or ethnic origin, disability or age.
3.8 The Company aims to encourage workers to develop their skills and qualifications, and to take advantage of promotion and development opportunities in the organisation.
3.9 Selection criteria will be entirely related to the job or training opportunity.
3.10 We will make, where possible, reasonable changes to overcome physical and nonphysical barriers that make it difficult for disabled employees to carry out their work, and for disabled customers to access our services.
3.11 We will take a flexible approach to working arrangements. We will consider requests for changes carefully and objectively and will aim to accommodate them unless it would cause significant difficulties to the business or the employee.
3.12 Where provided, information on the ethnic and racial background, gender, disability, marital status and age of each worker and applicant for employment, promotion and training will be collected and analysed, to monitor each stage of the recruitment process. The information will be held in strictest confidence and will only be used to promote equality of opportunity.
3.13 Grievances, disciplinary action, performance assessment, and terminations of employment, for whatever reason, may also be monitored by gender, racial group, age, marital status, and disability.
3 .14 The Company will endeavour to review, on a regular basis, its requirements, conditions, provisions, criteria, and practices.
3.15 The Company expects its contractors and sub-contractors to comply with the practices contained in this policy and to ensure that their staff are appraised of the requirements and that they, contractors, and sub-contracts provide equality of opportunity in their employment practices.
3.16 The effectiveness of the policy will be monitored on a regular basis by Senior Management.
We implement our own quality management system which is monitored throughout all management levels of the Company and is consistent with the ISO9001, Admeliora Construction are working towards ISO9001 accredited.
We are committed to providing a quality service to both the client and the end user. Drawing on our many years of service we are used to dealing with the problems that arise, we feel that we have come across most problems and have successfully resolved these in the past. We have learnt from these, invaluable lessons and have progressed to a position that we can deal successfully with most, if not all, of these common problems efficiently.
Our aim is to eliminate all unnecessary defects long before completion and to learn from previously identified problems, to share the resolution and avoidance issues with the rest of the company’s construction team.
Our Proposed Quality Management system will be implemented in three stages:
Pre Contract
• We allocate the correct Project Management Team, based on the individual’s background and previous experience.
• We agree KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) which provides us with a benchmark in delivering a high quality product and service. This is regularly reviewed and monitored.
• We ensure that each sub-contractor meets with the company’s rigorous selection criteria. Sub-contractors are required to complete a pre-qualification questionnaire which assess their health and safety, financial standing, quality assurance procedures, commitment to the environment and their past project experiences.
• A site specific quality plan is devised and agreed with the Project Team.
During Contract
• We discuss quality issues on site through regular meetings with the Project Team and supply chain partners.
• We monitor the agreed KPI’s monthly and report to all stake holders.
• We issue Clients with Client Satisfaction Questionnaires.
Post Contract
• Any findings from the KPI’s and Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire are analysed and documented.
• We issue lists of defects to the appropriate sub-contractors and monitor the speed and efficiency with which these are resolved.
• We have a directly employed Defects Team who are responsible for addressing any urgent, slow, or sub-standard workmanship.
• We have an internal snagging process which limits the number of defects on any of our projects. At the end of each project our Quality Assurance Manager assesses the workmanship with the Site and Contracts Manager.